Plantar fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain in adults. The most common and typical symptom of plantar fasciitis is first step pain. This is pain under the heel that is worse when putting the foot on the ground after resting and improves...
The plantar fascia is a strong flat ligament on the bottom of the foot that connects the heel bone to the ball of the foot and is responsible for supporting the arch of the foot. Plantar fasciitis is a painful conditions in which the plantar fascia...
Policeman’s heel is an old name that used to be used to refer to the heel pain that was common in the police when they used to spend so many hours on the beat walking around doing police things. Any activity done to excessive amounts will...
This is not an easy question to answer. For every person that says Crocs caused their plantar fasciitis, there is another who is adamant that Crocs cured their plantar fasciitis. There is no published scientific research on the issue, so there is...
Post-static dyskineisa is a bit of a mouthful, but it is that worse pain under the heel when you get up from rest, especially in the morning. Post-static refers to the after resting and the dyskinesia refers to the pain. It is a characteristic...
Post-static dyskineisa is the technical term for that worse pain under the heel when you get up from rest, especially getting out of bed in the morning. ‘Post-static’ refers to the after resting and the ‘dyskinesia’ refers to...
This is a hard question to answer, as there is probably no right answer. There is no one best running shoe for anything. There is probably a best running shoe for each individual and that particular shoe will be different for each runner. The...
Plantar fasciitis is a common cause of pain under the heel and Baxter’s neuritis is a less common cause, but they often mimic each other, so clinically it is extremely important to differentiate them from each other. Plantar fasciitis is an...