A Hauser’s neuroma is a rare cause of pain between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal heads. It is pretty much the same as the Morton’s neuroma, which is a common problem between the 3rd and 4th metatarsal heads. There is discussion as to...
A Joplins Neuroma or neuritis is an entrapment or impingement of the medial plantar digital nerve which supplies the medial aspect of the big toe that was first described by Joplin in 1971 in three cases following bunion surgery. A Joplin’s...
A Heuter’s neuroma is an enlargement or entrapment of the intermetatarsal nerve in the first interspace. This is very rare and has been noted as an occasional complication of bunion surgery damaging the nerve. A bursa in the area is probably a more...
Woltman’s sign is a delay in the return to normal after eliciting the Achilles deep tendon reflex. The delay is commonly seen in those with hypothyroidism and returns to normal when therapy is started.
Gowers’s or Gowers sign is a sign which indicates a weakness of the proximal muscles in the lower limb. The child that has this use their hands and arms to “walk” up their own body from a squatting position. The sign is a...
Duchenne muscular dystrophy is a severe X-linked recessive type of muscular dystrophy which mostly affects boys with a muscle weakness that usually begins around the age of four and can progress quickly. They then have difficulty standing and most...
Soleal sling syndrome is an entrapment or impingement of the tibial nerve at the upper back of the leg where the tibial nerve passes through the fascia that attaches the soleus muscle to the tibia and fibula (the soleal sling). The typical symptoms...
The name Grierson Gopalan syndrome is just another name for burning feet syndrome. Grierson Gopalan syndrome is still used somewhat these days but it is being used less often and the preferred name is burning feet or foot syndrome. There are a...
A burning sensation in the feet and legs are reasonably common and can be caused by many different things, that are sometimes hard to diagnose. Peripheral neuropathy: This is a condition that affects the peripheral nerves in the legs. It can result...
The most common deficiency that could cause a burning feet sensation is vitamin B12 as a lack of it causes damage to the myelin sheath around the nerves. However, this is a very uncommon cause and is unlikely to be the cause of burning feet in...