Peroneal tendonitis is a relatively uncommon overuse injury that affects the lateral or outside of the ankle joint. The peroneal muscles are those muscles on the outside of the leg who have a tendon that passes behind the ankle bone on the outside...
Peroneal tendonitis is not very common and is an overuse injury of the peroneal tendons causing symptoms on the lateral side of the ankle. Typically there is pain and swelling just above and below that lateral malleolus, getting worse with increased...
Peroneal tendonitis is an uncommon tendon problem that typically causes pain on the outside of the ankle joint. The cause of peroneal tendonitis is usually increases in activity levels that are greater than what the tendon is adapted to take. The...
Peroneal tendonitis is an inflammation or irritation of the peroneal tendons on the outside of the leg. The peroneal muscles are two main muscles on the outside of the leg (lateral side) that insert into their tendons just about the ankle joint. The...