Onychophosis is a painful thickening of the skin in the nail groove down the side of a toenail that often get confused with an ingrown toenail. The only way to treat an onychophosis is by either removing the cause or removing the symptoms: Treat the...
Onychophosis is probably one of the most common painful conditions that affects the toenails. It is most commonly described as “the side of the toenail hurts, but its not ingrown“. Onychophosis is the development of a corn or callus in...
Pain down the sides of the toenails is reasonably common and almost always gets called “ingrown” when most cases are not actually ingrown toenails. A true “ingrown nail” is when the nail has actually grown into the skin...
Pachyonychia congenita (PC) is a rare genetic disorder that affects the development of skin, hair, and nails of the hand and feet. It is caused by mutations in one of several genes, including KRT6A, KRT6B, KRT6C, KRT16, or KRT17, which provide...
A phenol matrixectomy is a minor surgical procedure done under local anaesthetic to treat ingrown toenails. The procedure involves removing the side of the nail that is ingrown and then using phenol to destroy the growing cells so that the problem...
Laser therapy for onychomycosis (a fungal infection of the toenails), has gained popularity as an alternative treatment option over the last decade. However, its effectiveness and long-term success are still a matter of debate among healthcare...
Typically the treatment for onychomycosis can take from months to years to never, so there is not right answer that can be given as to “how long?”. The reason for the uncertainty is due to a number of reasons. The onychomycosis is caused...
Onychomycosis is a fungal infection of the nails. There are several different fungal bugs that can cause this problem: The most common are the dermatophytes (eg Trichophyton rubrum and T. interdigitale), the yeasts (eg Candida albicans) and less...
Onychauxis is a uniform thickness of the toenails without deformity. Onychauxis is mostly associated with older age and poor circulation as well as repeated trauma to the nails from the footwear or a single episode of trauma a like dropping a brick...
Onychorrhexis is a common nail condition which is a normal part of aging. It appears as longitudinal ridges with furrows on the nail plate, that on some occasions may lead to splitting at the free edge of the nail. While it is common in older...