Mid Foot Pain

How to treat a navicular stress fracture?

Once a navicular stress fracture has been suspected or diagnosed it is important that treatment strategies are begun as soon as possible. This involves several approaches: Activity modification:Activity levels need to be reduced to be within a...

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What causes a stress fracture in the navicular bone?

A stress fracture will occur in any bone when the repetitive loads on that bone exceed what the bone is adapted to take. A navicular stress fracture is no different. The bone will develop a stress fracture when the loads exceeds what the bone is...

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How to tell if you have a navicular stress fracture?

The only definitive way to tell if you have a navicular stress fracture is with imaging such as an MRI. However, it can be suspected from the history and pattern of symptoms. A navicular stress fracture typically hurts on the top of the foot at the...

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Where does a navicular stress fracture hurt?

A navicular stress fracture typically hurts on the top of the foot at the top of the arch just in front of the ankle joint. The pain starts of slowly but progressively gets worth with more activity. A characteristic feature of a navicular stress...

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What is Mueller Weiss Syndrome?

Mueller-Weiss Syndrome is a rare foot condition that affects the navicular bone, which is located in the midfoot at the top of the arch. It is considered a form of osteonecrosis, which is the death of bone tissue due to a lack of blood supply. In...

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