Archive: clubfoot

Did Goebbels have a clubfoot?

Did Goebbels have a clubfoot?

Joseph Goebbels was Hitlers chief minister of proganda for the Nazi’s. He was thought to have had a clubfoot that he went to great lengths to hide so not to undermine the so-called superiority of the Aryan race and their genetic purity. There...

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What is the relationship of metatarsus adductus to clubfoot?

How to treat clubfoot?

A clubfoot is a relatively common disorder of the foot that is typically present at birth. The presence of a clubfoot at birth can be a source of distress for the parents. It could be part of a syndrome of other problems or it could just be an...

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what is the clinical term for clubfoot

What is the clinical term for clubfoot?

Clubfoot is the non-technical or medical name for a common birth deformity of the foot. Clubfoot as a term is widely used and several medical textbooks use the word clubfoot in the title. The more technical or clinical name for a clubfoot is...

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what is the clinical term for clubfoot

How common is clubfoot?

Clubfoot is a deformity of the foot that is typically present at birth. Most are diagnosed at birth, but occasionally it is missed and diagnosed later. The prevalence of clubfoot is generally believed to occur in between 1 and 4 times per 1000 live...

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What is the relationship of metatarsus adductus to clubfoot?

How to prevent clubfoot?

The way to prevent any condition developing is to identify and reduce the risk factors for that condition. The cause of clubfoot is not totally clear unless their is some underlying neurological disorder. The more common type of clubfoot is called...

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how to prevent clubfoot

What causes clubfoot?

The cause of clubfoot is not really known. There are a number of factors that are known to increase the risk of a clubfoot, but the actual cause is not that clear. The appearance of the clubfoot at birth in which the foot is plantarflexed, inverted...

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