Firstly, there are no drugs that cause an Achilles tendon rupture. There are drugs that can increase the risk that a rupture might happen. The actual cause of an Achilles tendon rupture is a forced sudden simultaneous dorsiflexion of the foot and...
The recovery time for an Achilles tendon rupture will vary a lot and will depend on the severity of the injury and the individual’s overall health, fitness level and commitment to the rehabilitation. Generally, recovery from an Achilles tendon...
Some people can rupture their Achilles tendon and get no pain at all from it. In other people it can be quite painful, so an Achilles tendon rupture is very variable in how painful it is. The typical symptoms of an Achilles tendon rupture are: -A...
There can be no doubt about the need to follow a good physical therapy rehabilitation program following an Achilles tendon rupture. Regardless if the tendon was repaired surgically or conservatively with a walking brace, it is important that the...
An Achilles tendon rupture is usually obvious when it happens. It is a potential serious injury because of the rehabilitation that is needed. Treatment is generally with a walking brace or surgery. Urgent or prompt medical attention is generally...
An Achilles tendon rupture is relatively easy to diagnose. Based on the history, it is often obvious that there is a rupture – this usually involves a sudden onset of pain; a feeling of the ankle giving way; simultaneous foot dorsiflexion and...
An Achilles tendon rupture is often obvious. You know if you have done it, or at least, be very suspicious that you have done it. The most obvious symptom is a loss of power in the calf muscles with a sudden onset of pain, though a few are for some...
An Achilles tendon rupture is caused when the load from the calf muscles exceeds what the Achilles tendon can take and it ruptures. There are two aspects to this – the load and what the tendon can take. The load is the amount of force that is...